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Pam Bartha
Pam Bartha

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These products are not available for purchase online; they must be ordered by phone. Here's how:

  1. Call 1-800-281-4469
  2. Request the products and quantities you desire
  3. Provide referral information: Pam Bartha - 646442


HK$79.00 Freshden 牙膏
Skin Care
HK$485.00 GinMAX人蔘精華
Retail Value: HK$533.50 9% discount
Integrative Health
HK$312.00 ImmunoSTART® 活性牛初乳咀嚼片
HK$1,798.00 Manapol® Powder
HK$298.00 R3Hangover Relief
Targeted Health
HK$245.00 The Organt®植萃潤澤洗髮乳 (300毫升)
Skin Care
HK$122.00 The Organt®植萃潤澤潤髮乳 (150毫升)
Skin Care
HK$438.00 The Organt®洗潤髮套裝
Skin Care
HK$258.00 Uth Cleaner
Skin Care
HK$408.00 Uth Moisturizer
Skin Care
HK$1,560.00 Uth® Skincare bundle VALUE
Skin Care
HK$2,580.00 免疫套裝
HK$2,088.00 基礎保健套裝
Retail Value: HK$2,298.00 9% discount
Value Bundle
HK$1,526.00 多醣滋润修护套装(5+5)
Retail Value: HK$1,678.00 9% discount
Value Bundle
HK$938.00 學生專屬套裝
Targeted Health
HK$250.00 小熊醣質果膠軟糖
Retail Value: HK$325.00 23% discount
Integrative Health
HK$1,680.00 強效排毒套裝
Retail Value: HK$1,848.00 9% discount
Integrative Health
HK$405.00 心血補
Retail Value: HK$445.50 9% discount
Targeted Health
HK$5,428.00 新生代核心營養套裝
Retail Value: HK$5,970.80 9% discount
HK$234.00 益生菌 GI-ProBalance®
HK$273.00 睡眠支持
HK$460.00 睡眠支持 2 盒
HK$780.00 美泰至尊®男士保健營養素 買 2 送 1
Targeted Health
HK$390.00 美泰至尊™ 男士保健營養素
Retail Value: HK$429.00 9% discount
Targeted Health
HK$598.00 美泰至尊™ 男士保健營養素 2 瓶裝
Retail Value: HK$657.00 9% discount
Targeted Health
HK$1,693.00 美泰至尊™ 男士保健營養素 6 瓶裝
Retail Value: HK$1,862.00 9% discount
Targeted Health
HK$268.00 肝臟支援膠囊
Targeted Health
HK$397.00 草本排毒粉
Retail Value: HK$441.11 10% discount
Weight & Fitness
HK$428.00 護腸素
HK$425.00 醣質抗氧化膠囊
Retail Value: HK$468.00 9% discount
Integrative Health
HK$519.00 醣質果蔬營養粉 150g
Retail Value: HK$715.00 27% discount
Integrative Health
HK$2,398.00 醣質皇牌組合
HK$8,990.00 醣質蘆薈萃取粉 買 5 送 1
HK$2,398.00 醣質蘆薈萃取粉皇牌組合
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With EVERY product purchase, a donation is made to the M5M℠ Foundation which is used to buy and supply nutrient-rich PhytoBlend to children in need.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
† Benefits vary by product.
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